
Due to a series of natural events, the Striped Bass population on Lake Whitney has declined. We will no longer see an overpopulated lake full of thin and weakened Stripers, as was the case in the summer of 23.
Currently, due to an abundance of Shad in the lake, the remaining Striped Bass are as healthy as they can be. It's nice to see the improvement in how they attack our lures and fight. There are still some good schools of Stripers out there, but we will be working much harder for them in the near future. Personally, I am enjoying the challenge. All of these photos are a few of the fish we caught between January and April 24. Most were caught on artificial bait.
The lake levels are now nearly 10 feet high. Whitney will receive a nice supply of mature Striped Bass from the lakes above. In the meantime, all of this water creates a new challenge. All the boat ramps on the lake are closed, But I have access to the lake and I am fishing daily.